Classic airs played on nylon and steel strung tenor guitars. Here is a collection of tunes drawn from different styles and traditions brought
together on one recording, the idea being to bring to light some pieces that are
not heard that often in an Irish music setting and to introduce the rare sound
of these melodies as played on 4 string tenor guitars.
1. Lios ns mBanriona
2. The Rocky Shore
3. Planxty Maguire
4. Sliabh na mBan
5. Tosselli's Serenade
6. The Kerry Dances
7. Lament for Eoin Rua
8. Meditation from Thais
9. The Fairy Queen
10. Duilleoga an Fhomhair
11. Mr. O'Connor
12. Concierto de Aranjuez
13. Lady Dillon
14. Mickey Finn's Air
15. I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen
16. Jesu, Joy of Mans Desiring
17. My Lagan Love
18. The Blackbird
19. Planxty Lady Blaney
20. Danny Boy